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Crawford Grill: Opening the Doors of Opportunity

1. This lesson is best taught in connection with Civil Rights Movement lessons, changes in our community lessons or Jazz lessons. Review these lessons/themes before beginning.

2. Watch "Wylie Avenue Days" video clip. (This provides a good introduction to use, particularly if you are not connecting to one of the themes or lessons listed above). Have students note interesting points for discussion to follow.

Read two first-hand accounts of experiences at the Crawford Grill in the 1960s – Source 1: Interview with Ellen Eastmond: Frequent patron of the Crawford Grill and Source 2: Interview with John Mocharko, Sr.: Frequent patron of the Crawford Grill. Have students note interesting points for discussion to follow.

3. Divide students into small groups. Give each group facilitator Worksheet 1: Crawford Grill Group Discussion: Discussion Questions and give each group recorder Worksheet 2: Crawford Grill Group Discussion: Answer Sheet (included with first worksheet).

4. Encourage students to participate in a small group discussion about information provided about the Crawford Grill.

5. Share responses as a whole class.

6. Distribute Worksheet 3: Floor plan of Crawford Grill. Have students illustrate a scene from the Crawford Grill, using floor plan provided and information from the accounts of experiences. Explain that the scene should depict some of the experiences they read and focus on the diversity of the crowd and the opportunities the Crawford Grill provided for black musicians. Encourage students to add conversation bubbles to the scenes to depict the mood and typical conversations among guests at the Crawford Grill.

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