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The Legacy of Pete Gray
Further Reading

Adair, Robert K. The Physics of Baseball. New York: Harper & Row, 1990.

Burns, Ken and Geoffrey C. Ward. Baseball: An Illustrated History. New York, N.Y.: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994.

The companion volume to the sweeping PBS series offers a panoramic view - complete with the best published collection of illustrations and photographs – of the game from its earliest days up to the mid-1990s.

Gilbert, Bill. They Also Served: Baseball and the Homefront. New York: Crown, 1992.

This book covers baseball during the war (World War II) years

Goldstein, Richard. Spartan Seasons: How Baseball Survived the Second World War. New York: Macmillan, 1980.

A thorough and well-researched book that covers everything from players leaving for the war to the Browns only pennant.

Kashatus, William C. "Baseball’s One-Armed Wonder: An Interview with the Late Great, Pete Gray." Pennsylvania Heritage (Spring 2003): 30-37.

This interview gives an excellent perspective of Pete reflecting back on his baseball career

Kashatus, William C. One-Armed Wonder: Pete Gray, Wartime Baseball and the American Dream. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 1995.

Lingeman, Richard R. Don't You Know There's a War On? The American Home Front, 1941-1945. New York: Nation Books, 2003.

This book takes a look at the cultural history of the home front during World War II. In the Chapter entitled "Pleasures, Pastimes, Fads, and Follies," Lingeman covers baseball and mentions Pete Gray.

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