Teach PA History
It's Just a Barn
Assessment Strategies

1. Have students identify the features of a Pennsylvania Barn using Student Worksheet 1: The Pennsylvania Farm, either as a class or individually. a. Using Student Worksheet 1: The Pennsylvania Farm as a transparency, ask a student to volunteer to indicate one of the farm features. The class can be asked if they agree or disagree and to discuss why that feature is significant. Repeat until all features are identified OR b. Provide a printed copy of Student Worksheet 1: The Pennsylvania Farm to each student and ask them to identify each farm feature and explain why that feature is significant. See Teacher Guide 1: The Pennsylvania Barn. 2. Have students summarize the life and work of Frederick Watts. Using Student Handout 7: Fredrick Watts and the Experimental Farm and the Frederick Watts "Behind the Marker" story, have students complete Student Worksheet 3: The Life and Work of Frederick Watts. See Teacher Guide 3: The Life and Work of Frederick Watts. 3. Have student write an obituary of Judge Frederick Watts. See Rubric 1: Essay Assignment.

Grading Rubrics

Rubric 1: Rubric 1 - Essay Assignment

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