Teach PA History
Palmer Raids: Reasonable Reaction or Hysterical Hype

Extensions 1. Have students research one of the principal figures in this controversy and determine how his or her background influenced this event. Figures include A. Mitchell Palmer (Attorney General); J. Edgar Hoover (Head of the Justice Department and FBI); Edward Y. Clarke (Member of Southern Publicity Association whose task was to increase membership in KKK); William Haywood (Leader of IWW); Emma Goldman (Russian-American anarchist); Alexander Berkman (Russian-American anarchist and editor of the Blast). 2. Have students research the Patriot Act and compare it to the Espionage and Sedition Acts. Create a T-chart that addresses the historic time frame for each act, the potential infringement upon personal freedoms, and the provisions and ramifications of each act. The students could then debate whether the need for public safety outweighs individual liberties guaranteed by the Constitution.

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