W. E. B. Dubois congratulating Paul Robeson after his address to the world
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Paul Robeson, American singer, is shown (left) as he was congratulated by Dr. William E.B. Dubois, American editor and Author, after Robeson addressed the red-sponsored world "Peace" conference in Paris.

Credit: Image donated by Corbis-Bettmann

An internationally renowned human rights activist, Robeson called the United States "the focal point of world fascism" at the 1949 Paris peace conference, and charged that President Truman's program for African development would mean "new slavery" for millions of Africans. That August, Robeson visited the Soviet Union where he sang to enthusiastic audiences. After Robeson refused to sign an affidavit that he was not a Communist, the U.S. government revoked his passport, which restricted his travels until the Supreme Court restored it in 1958.

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