Judson Kilpatrick headquarters, Hanover, PA, 1863.
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Judson Kilpatrick headquarters.

Credit: Archives of the Hanover Public School District, Clausen Collections

This 1863 photograph, shows where Third Cavalry Division commander Judson Kilpatrick set up headquarters on June 30, 1863, during J.E.B. Stuart cavalry attack in the battle of Hanover. Since the successful cavalry engagement at Brandy Station, Virginia, only twenty-one days before, Union cavalry seemed to be almost reborn in their confidence and determination. When Stuart and his "Invincibles" attacked on June 30th, they found they were invincible no more. Repulsed and forced to go around, Stuart spent two more days trying to reach Lee, effectively removing his valuable cavalry from the battle of Gettysburg. In the summer of 2005, the Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce and the Hanover Historical Society erected 18 wayside markers to highlight the course of the June 30 cavalry battle

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