Teach PA History
Religious Tolerance in Pennsylvania

1. Students should view Source 1: Wood Engraving of a Quaker Meeting on an overhead, PowerPoint display or handout. Ask the class to describe the scene and then imagine why others might be disgusted by what is happening there. According to the Library of Congress, "This undated image depicts a feature of Quaker religious practice that made early Friends so repugnant to other denominations: their insistence on equality for women, including the right–in defiance of the apostle Paul's injunctions–to speak in Meeting for Worship and to preach the Gospel." Also, there are no ministers and men and women appear to be equals.

Distribute Worksheet 1: Compare the Colonization of MA and PA and inform the class that they will complete a graphic organizer to compare and contrast the Quakers in Pennsylvania with the Puritans in Massachusetts. It may be useful to use excerpts from marker Source 2: Excerpt from A Modell of Christian Charity and marker Source 3: Frame of Government of Pennsylvania to help demonstrate the vision for each colony. Students should compare their answers with a partner when both have finished.

2. The teacher should call on students to share their answers for each box and then lead a discussion about the student's prediction of each colony's future.

3. Conclude by discussing marker Source 4: Location of Major Churches in North America, 1750 which illustrates the number and diversity of religious communities in the colonies by 1750 and Source 5: Positive Information from America by Francis Daniel Pastorius.

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