Teach PA History
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Ida Tarbell: Hysterical Woman vs. Historical Facts
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1. Worksheet listing methods used by Rockefeller to gain control of oil industry

Four methods

Three methods

Two methods

One method or none

2. Worksheet listing words or phrases that depict Rockefeller as bad or evil

Four words or phrases and replacement with semantically neutral word/phrases

Three words or phrases and replacement with semantically neutral word/phrases

Two words or phrases and replacement with a semantically neutral word/phrases

One or no word or phrase and replacement.

3. Completion of the Cartoon Analysis Worksheet

All sections completed with an understanding of the analysis tool

Most sections completed with an understanding of the analysis tool

Half of the sections completed with an understanding of the analysis tool

A few sections completed with little understanding of the analysis tool

4. Selection of a good web news site

A site that is unique within the group and that includes much information helpful in understanding the problem

A site that is unique within the group and includes good information that helps the reader understand the problem

A site that is unique within the group but doesn't include much information

A site that duplicates another in the group or does not include much information

5. Written article

Articulate article written with accurate information and a perspective created by many carefully chosen words or phrases that elicit an emotional response from the reader

Article written with accurate information and a perspective created by a few carefully chosen words or phrases that elicit an emotional response from the reader

Article written with accurate information, but no words/phrases that elicit an emotional response from the reader

Article written with inaccurate information and no words or phrases that elicit an emotional response from the reader

6. Cartoon

Carefully drawn with well thought out editorial message in the characters and text; sense of humor

Good idea and well thought out message, but poorly drawn

Well drawn, but poorly thought out message

Poorly drawn cartoon without a clear editorial message

1. Controlling transportation, using transportation records to get information, rr transportation rebate, threats of loss of business, under promise of larger or more regular shipments, under chances of sharing in the profits of the enterprises they favored, keeping his dealings secret, creating panic in the mind of his opponent

2. "to crush men," "anything which must be concealed," "a general who, besieging a city," "nothing was too small,"

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