Teach PA History
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Public Views of Lincoln
Assessment Strategies

Student-created letter-from-Lincoln responding to political cartoonists –"Dear Sir, Here's What I've Been Thinking..." can be evaluated to assess for student understanding of the changes in public opinion of Abraham Lincoln from his inauguration to his death. Assessment rubric for letter from Lincoln







Letter eloquently states Mr. Lincoln's position about the political cartoon.

Letter clearly states Mr. Lincoln's position about the political cartoon.

Letter adequately states Mr. Lincoln's position about the political cartoon.

Letter does not state Mr. Lincoln's position about the political cartoon.


Letter contains more than 2 paragraphs.

Letter contains 2 paragraphs.

Letter contains 1 paragraph.

Letter contains no complete paragraph.


Structure of work is clearly developed.

Structure is developed reasonably well, but lacks clarity.

Some attempt to structure the work has been made, but the paragraph is poorly developed.

There is a total lack of structure.

Writing Mechanics

There are no errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization.

There are 1-2 errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization.

There are 3-4 errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization.

There are more than 4 errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization.

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